Real Life Yoga Applications by Sandi Santiago
/So I realize that my yoga and blog isn't necessarily kid-centered, but I love Sandi's explanations on how yoga can have real life applications. Making yoga applicable is something I advocate, so while this article is about the benefits of yoga for kids, I think it's can be for anyone who is interested in the power of yoga. ~Hien
Real Life Yoga Applications
You signed your child up for yoga and they learn to become calmer, but how does this help them in everyday life?
Yoga is more than stretching and Namaste. (I had to inform my mother of that concept.) There are many different levels of yoga that your child will learn, as well as, learn how to use them in real life situations.
Here are some real life applications to the benefits yoga offers.
Before a big game: Many athletes get nervous before the big game. Yoga teaches them to relax and have confidence in themselves to do their best. The poses they learned help them stretch and keep flexible to prevent injury, and the meditation they learned helps them to focus on their athletic goal.
Making new friends: Trying to make new friends can be scary, there is the first impression and people can be very judgmental. Kids pick up on all of that and get nervous. Saying hello can be a heart pounding scary experience. Yoga teaches them to have confidence that they are great people. That deafening anxiety they feel goes away with simple breathing techniques.
Dealing with negative situations: Peer pressure can lead to bad situations and tough decisions. Yoga helps teach how to look at the bad situation and have the courage to make the right choices. It helps encourage self reliance, build confidence and positive self esteem.
Getting frustrated and acting out in anger: Sometimes kids get frustrated easily. We ask them to clean their room or do the dishes. Let’s say they are doing dishes and a dish falls out of their hands; this can make them frustrated and they may get angry or upset. Yoga can teach them to stop and calm themselves and to realize that it’s alright and continue on with the dishes.
These are just a few examples of situations where your child can use their yoga in the real world. Ask your child what they learned and help them remember to use their skills, you may find it will help you out as well.
About Sandi
I enjoy yoga with my kids and am very excited to share yoga with my community! I have three children ages 16, 9, and 3. They enjoy yoga and are my inspiration. I live in Hampton, Virginia and teach at a local studio. I am looking forward to new adventures with the children I teach. My classes are very fun and high energy. They are not your typical zen adult yoga classes.
We sing and dance and play all while learning yoga. I believe that our future can be more peaceful if we teach our children peace and understanding. My goal is to help our community battle bullying, self esteem issues, learn how to be mindful and aware of ourselves and healthy. It all starts with our children. To learn more, see Sandi's Kidding Around Yoga page.
I'll be back to blogging soon. Look out for guest blogs once a month. If you're interested in writing about yoga, meditation, spirituality, or self-love email me at
With love,